Governance & Security

Getting Started with Telos Zero

Telos Layer Zero is the core of the network, focusing on security, governance, and block production. It provides the essential foundation for all network activities.

Governance and Security

Why choose Telos Zero?

Telos Layer Zero is the network's secure core, enabling efficient governance and reliable block production. It inherits Telos's proven security with no outages or hacks and supports inclusive on-chain voting. This ensures a stable and dependable blockchain.


Telos Layer Zero inherits robust security features from the Telos blockchain ecosystem, which has a proven track record of reliability. The network has never experienced an unplanned outage or significant malicious hack, ensuring your projects and data remain safe.


Telos provides a highly inclusive and transparent governance system. The Telos Decide Governance Engine allows for on-chain voting using TLOS and user-created tokens. This empowers token holders to participate in crucial decisions, such as upgrading protocols, voting on block producers, and electing officials, ensuring a decentralized and community-driven network.


As the core layer, Telos Layer Zero emphasizes reliable block production, ensuring the stability and integrity of the entire system. This solid foundation supports all network operations and services, making it an ideal choice for developers and users seeking a dependable blockchain environment.


Technical documentation

Start building on Telos Zero

Vote for Validators

Become an active participant on the network by voting for validators.


Have your say in the future of Telos by taking part in on-chain governance.


Buy and sell TLOS easily and securely

Telos Web Wallet

Use the Telos Web Wallet to easily transact with Telos EVM tokens.

Anchor Wallet

Securely manage your TLOS with the industry-trusted Anchor Wallet


Safely bridge assets to Telos EVM chain.

Bridge: Telos Zero & EVM

Bridge between Telos Zero & Telos EVM.

Staking rewards

Stake your TLOS tokens and generate sTLOS rewards

Explore Dapps

Explore Telos’s vast world of dApps

Block Explorer

View public data on Telos account history and transactions.

Looking for grants?

Apply for grants to build your project on Telos EVM via the form below and submit for review.