March 19, 2024

Ana Ojeda Se Une Al Ecosistema De Telos Como Embajadora Para Latam

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Telos le da la bienvenida al ecosistema TELOS a Ana Ojeda, una figura destacada en el espacio web3, mejor conocida como “Criptolawyer” quien se une al ecosistema de Telos como  EMBAJADORA DE LA MARCA para Latinoamerica.

Ana trae consigo una gran experiencia en desarrollo de negocios, asuntos regulatorios y marketing, lo que la convierte en una piedra angular en los esfuerzos de expansión de Telos en América Latina. Su experiencia y conocimientos resultan invaluables en nuestro objetivo de establecer a Telos como una plataforma blockchain líder.

América Latina es considerada como una de las regiones más grandes en términos de adopción cripto lo cual presenta una oportunidad fundamental para que Telos amplíe su alcance e impacto.

En el corazón de Telos se encuentra su innovadora tecnología blockchain, que ofrece pruebas de conocimiento cero para garantizar una escalabilidad y privacidad incomparables. Con un firme compromiso con la velocidad y la escalabilidad y al mismo tiempo manteniendo estrictas medidas de seguridad, Telos ha estado a la vanguardia de la evolución de la industria de la criptografía durante los últimos cinco años, fomentando su crecimiento y desarrollo.

Esta iniciativa se alinea con la estrategia de John Lilic para la expansión global de Telos: 

"América Latina representa un panorama propicio para la tecnología blockchain, impulsado por su rápida adopción de criptomonedas y una gran cantidad de talento local en desarrollo. La incorporación de Ana Ojeda a nuestro ecosistema marca un hito importante en el viaje de Telos por América Latina. Su presencia subraya nuestra inquebrantable compromiso de fomentar una comunidad vibrante, fomentar aplicaciones descentralizadas y fomentar la innovación a través de hackathons y eventos. Estoy encantado de contribuir al crecimiento de Telos y consolidar su posición como piedra angular tecnológica en América Latina", compartió John Lilic, director global de la Fundación Telos.”

La estrategia de Telos en Latinoamérica se centrará en la organización de eventos, la creación de comunidades, y la realización de hackatones para atraer desarrolladores, fomentar el intercambio de ideas y potenciar la innovación en la región. Con estas iniciativas, Telos Foundation busca no solo aumentar la conciencia sobre la tecnología blockchain, sino también proporcionar las herramientas y recursos necesarios para el desarrollo de soluciones adaptadas a las necesidades de América Latina.

Únete a nosotros en este viaje para transformar América Latina a través de la tecnología blockchain. Juntos podemos allanar el camino hacia un futuro definido por la innovación, la colaboración y el crecimiento inclusivo. 

Sigue a Ana en X: @CriptoLawyer

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Welcoming Ana Ojeda to Telos as the LATAM Brand Ambassador

Telos welcomes Ana Ojeda, a prominent figure in the web3 space and esteemed cryptolawyer, to the TELOS ecosystem as the LATAM BRAND AMBASSADOR. 

Ana brings with her a wealth of experience in business development, regulatory affairs, and marketing, making her a cornerstone in Telos' expansion efforts in Latin America. Her expertise and insights will prove invaluable as we endeavor to establish Telos as a leading blockchain platform in the region.

As one of the largest regions in terms of adoption, Latin America presents a pivotal opportunity for Telos to extend its reach and impact.

At the heart of Telos lies its groundbreaking blockchain technology, offering Zero Knowledge capabilities to ensure unparalleled scalability and privacy. With a steadfast commitment to speed and scalability while upholding stringent security measures, Telos has been at the forefront of the crypto industry's evolution for the past five years, nurturing its growth and development.

This initiative aligns with John Lilic’s strategy for Telos' global expansion: 

"Latin America represents a ripe landscape for blockchain technology, buoyed by its rapid adoption of cryptocurrencies and a wealth of local talent in development. Ana Ojeda's addition to our ecosystem marks a significant milestone in Telos' journey across Latin America. Her presence underscores our unwavering commitment to fostering a vibrant community, nurturing decentralized applications, and fostering innovation through hackathons and events. I am thrilled to contribute to Telos' growth and cement its position as a technological cornerstone in Latin America," shared John Lilic, Global Director of Telos Foundation.

Telos' strategic approach in Latin America revolves around orchestrating events, cultivating communities, and hosting hackathons to attract developers, stimulate idea exchange, and catalyze innovation in the region. Through these initiatives, the Telos Foundation aims not only to raise awareness about blockchain technology but also to equip developers with the tools and resources necessary to develop solutions tailored to the unique needs of Latin America.

Join us as we embark on this exciting journey to transform Latin America through the power of blockchain technology. Together, we can pave the way for a future defined by innovation, collaboration, and inclusive growth.

Follow Ana on X: @CriptoLawyer


The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Always conduct your own research and consult with a professional before making any financial decisions. Cryptocurrency investments along with other asset classes can be volatile and can result in potential losses. Always use caution, practice due diligence, and never invest capital you cannot afford to lose. Remember to always maintain the security of your accounts, use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and be wary of phishing attempts. Stay safe and invest responsibly.

About The Telos Foundation

Telos is a decentralized blockchain ecosystem that includes Telos EVM, which is tested as the fastest Ethereum Virtual Machine globally, and its high-speed consensus layer, Telos Zero. With its continued focus on helping push forward the global adoption of Zero Knowledge technology, Telos is also currently developing a hardware-accelerated Ethereum Layer 2 network powered by SNARKtor, with the goal of enhancing privacy and scalability for global use cases at scale. Telos is overseen by The Telos Foundation, an ownerless foundation dedicated to advancing the Telos blockchain network and its community.

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