

Bitget is a global cryptocurrency exchange that provides a platform for trading a variety of digital assets.

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Bitget was founded with a steadfast belief in being the last 10% who remain committed even in the face of adversity.

With a background in traditional finance, Bitget’s founding team discovered blockchain technology in 2015, but it was viewed as "tulip mania" by the industry back then. In 2018, we became intrigued by cryptocurrency after studying the Bitcoin whitepaper and Ethereum ecosystem. We believed that cryptocurrency would play an important role in the future and even benefit the unbanked groups. However, the market crash chased away most speculators and less than 10% of the people chose to stick to their convictions and rebuild. Bitget was then officially founded in the same year.

Born in a bear market, Bitget insists on putting users first, focusing on product innovation, and advocating long-term development with the spirit of earnestness. The company aims to inspire people to embrace crypto and improve the way they trade, one at a time.

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